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<****** language=JavaScript> /* VML Fireworks ****** -- By Jacco IJzerman (j.ijzerman1@REMOVETHISchello.nl) Permission granted to Dynamicdrive.com to feature ****** in archive. For full source code, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ */ //Customize fireworks colors: colors = new Array(); colors[0] = new Array('yellow', 'lime'); colors[1] = new Array('silver', 'green') colors[2] = new Array('silver', 'blue'); colors[3] = new Array('silver', 'purple'); colors[4] = new Array('purple', 'white'); colors[5] = new Array('blue', 'silver'); colors[6] = new Array('red', 'fuchsia'); colors[7] = new Array('yellow', 'red'); maximum = 1000; vmlobj=''; for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){ vmlobj += ''; } document.write(vmlobj); vmlobj = null; aantal = 0; ******** begin() { try { if(aantal == maximum){ return;} kleurschema = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length); posLinks = Math.floor(Math.random() * (document.body.clientWidth - 180)); posLinks = (posLinks < 170)? 170: posLinks; posBoven = Math.floor(Math.random() * (document.body.clientHeight - 180)); posBoven = (posBoven < 170)? 170: posBoven; straal = 0; uiteen = true; teller = 1; flikkereffect = false; for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){ document.getElementsByTagName('shape')[i].setAttribute('fillcolor', colors[kleurschema][0]); document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.visibility = 'hidden'; // 5.0 fix document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.left = posLinks; document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.top = posBoven; } document.getElementById('ster0').style.top = (document.body.clientHeight - 20); document.getElementById('ster0').style.visibility = 'visible'; omhoog(); } catch(e){} } ******** omhoog() { try { positie = parseInt(document.getElementById('ster0').style.top); if(positie > posBoven){ document.getElementById('ster0').style.top = (positie - 25); setTimeout('omhoog()', 50); } else { for(i = 1; i < 12; i++){ document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.top = positie; document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.visibility = 'visible'; } uiteenspatten(); } } catch(e){} } ******** uiteenspatten() { try { if(straal > 120 && straal % 10 == 0){ flikkereffect = true; teller = (teller == colors[kleurschema].length)? 0: (teller+1); } for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){ var hoek = i * 30; var piHoek = Math.PI - Math.PI / 180 * hoek; var links = posLinks + Math.round(straal * Math.sin(piHoek)); var boven = positie + Math.round(straal * Math.cos(piHoek)); document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.left = links; document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.top = boven; if(flikkereffect){ document.getElementsByTagName('shape')[i].setAttribute('fillcolor', colors[kleurschema][teller]); } } if(straal < 160 && uiteen){ straal += (straal < 120)? 10: 5; setTimeout('uiteenspatten()', 50); } else if(straal > 120){ uiteen = false; straal -= 5; setTimeout('uiteenspatten()', 50); } else if(straal <= 120){ for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){ document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.visibility = 'hidden'; } aantal++; setTimeout('begin()', 500); } } catch(e) {} } window.onload=begin;

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